International Society for Philosophers

International Society for Philosophers

Wisdom begins with wonder

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ISFP Books

Wittgenstein wrote in the Preface to his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921), 'Perhaps this book will be understood only by someone who has himself already had the thoughts that are expressed in it — or at least similar thoughts... Its purpose would be achieved if it gave pleasure to one person who read and understood it.'

The author was a genius, and his book is today recognized as one of the most important works of philosophy written in the 20th century.

We recognize that in the real world, few authors are destined for lasting fame. It is a heavy burden indeed to think that one is capable of writing a 'great' work of philosophy. Then why write at all? What is the point?

Will your book be worth reading by even one person? Many are not. Editors are inundated by tides of mediocre claptrap. The irony is of course that no author thinks this of his or her own work.

Our aim is modest. We want to see books that are genuinely worth reading by at least one person. With luck, by making your work available through ISFP Books you might find the reader — or readers! — that you deserve. What happens next is entirely up to you.

We like to think that, just occasionally, a book may come along which has the potential to top the bestseller lists. But we're not counting on it. We are not in this for profit, but because we want to give philosophical books of quality a chance.

By signing up to ISFP Books you grant us the temporary, non-exclusive right to distribute your work electronically. That's all. This is not formal publication. It is merely sharing with a community of like-minded spirits. No fees are charged and we do not take commission. Copyright remains yours. If you are lucky to find a publisher, or for whatever other reason, then we will remove your book from the list on your request.

Interested? Then email the Editor Sanja Ivic. She will explain what you need to do next. Below you will find our current list:

International Society for Philosophers: Books

Our List

All books featured here are copyright of the original author(s) and not to be copied, shared or transmitted in any form without permisison.

Download Lawrence Thou Art That and Other EssaysThou Art That and Other Essays by John Lawrence Nazareth

Reflections of an Algorithmic Scientist on an Era Between Gods

This book lies at the intersection of religion, science, and philosophy. Here I have sought to build a bridge between the "perennial philosophy" of the past, which has inspired and provides the foundation for the world's major religions, and the "natural philosophy of organism" of four great philosopher-scientists of the 19th and early 20th centuries — Gustav Theodor Fechner, William James, Henri Bergson, and Alfred North Whitehead.

Sanja Ivic writes: "Your book represents a significant contribution to the field of philosophy. I find your investigation of the realm of the symbolic particularly important. Your approach is authentic, interdisciplinary and refreshing."

 Dilemmas in Social PhilosophyDownload Dilemmas in Social Philosophy
Download Instructors Manual

Dilemmas in Social Philosophy by Phil Washburn, edited by Matthew Del Nevo for Pathways Schools Australia, a project of the International Society for Philosophers.

The reader consists of two documents: a student text, together with an instructor's manual.

CONTENTS: Is Society based on a contract? Is liberty the highest social value? Is equality the highest social value? Is capitalism just? Should we establish a world government? Is ethnicity essential to identity? Connections: individualist or relationist?

Download Continental Community of InquiryContinental Community of Inquiry

Continental Community of Inquiry is a collection of texts selected — and in some cases translated — by Matthew del Nevo.

The introductory section explains the community of inquiry approach to continental philosophy and gives advice to students and teachers. The texts are suitable for students of any age, for beginners or more experienced students.

The collection includes a Preface by Matthew Lipman, who has pioneered the idea of a community of inquiry and philosophy for children.

Download What Gave You That Idea? by Georges KassabgiPostscripts by Georges KassabgiWhat Gave You That Idea? by Georges Kassabgi

Download Postscripts by Georges Kassabgi

Sanja Ivic writes: "In his book What Gave you that Idea? the author explores the origins of different philosophical worldviews. He relies on various philosophical perspectives in order to rethink the binary oppositions such as: material/ non-material, natural/ artificial, real/ unreal and so forth.

"In his essay Postscripts, the author attempts to give a philosophical response to various global challenges. This book aims at exploring the nature of human conflict. The author employs different methods and techniques. This is a postmodern philosophical essay that is characterized by the use of intertextuality. The author sheds a new light on various topics in political philosophy relying on quotations, references and accessible texts."

© Geoffrey Klempner 2002–2021